Saturday, June 23, 2012

As I look into your deep dark colorless eyes, as you stand/lay there looking up at me i wonder.. Where have you been? What have you seen? Are you hurting? Are you hungry? Where is your family? Why do you look so empty inside? Why do you look so sad? What is causing all your tears? You look like your in pain. Why wont you smile? But then when I pick you up and cradle you in my arms, all the pain goes away, all the hurt inside is gone. Now when I look into your deep dark colorless eyes, I see love, I see hope, I see happiness, I see a smile. What is god trying to teach me? What is the lord trying to show me and get through to me? Why was I chosen to come here and do his work? Be the hands and feet of HIM. I don't have the answer to any of these questions yet, but as I go on being his hands and feet, they all become more clear. Why is it that the people with the most are the least generous, and the people with the least are the most generous? A little girl with no pants and no shoes gave me a bracelet the second day I was here. I gave it back and told her she deserved it, and i took off my necklace and put it around her. The people here are all so happy and so full of life and joy. Why do we sit and complain about how our iphone isn't working correctly, or how the milk in the fridge is old. WHY? I do it myself all the time. The people of Haiti work so very hard for every little thing that they have. People work day and night just to get enough money for one meal. The first time I came down here I fell in love. With the people, with the animals, with the landscapes, but mostly with the hearts. The hearts of the people here are so soft and gentle. I don't understand why god put them here, with nothing. But then I think, would these people be the same if they had all the materials we did? would they still have the sweet little hearts that they have now? Are we so greedy and rude to people because of all the materials we have? What if we didn't have them, and all we have was our family and our faith? Would our perspective on life change? Theres so many unanswered questions. And most of them probably won't be answered in my life time. But I can always wonder. This trip has been amazing. It has opened my eyes to so much more than what I have seen before. Having all the kids run up to me remembering who I am and my name is just heart warming, and it will never get old. As our trip comes to an end and we get  closer to leaving, the more I want to never leave and stay here forever. I feel like I am me here. I can be my self around anyone. And I don't feel out of place or judge. I was brought here for a reason. This is my home.

                       Makenzi Hunn

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